Research and Innovation

Meet the Mini Millennials: Generation Alpha

Gen Alpha

斯堪的纳维亚式木玩具,有机婴儿服装和清洁成分儿童小吃有什么共同之处?千禧一代。千禧一代和他们的孩子,即。如果品牌已经了解了关于千禧一代的任何东西,那就是这样:他们只想为孩子最适合。现在,跨美国的游戏室,苗圃和裤子都与儿童产品一起含有透明成分的产品列表和柔和的彩色调色板 - 全部迎合到千禧一代口味。

遇见迷你千禧年:alpha,2011年和2025年之间出生的孩子的生成。就像他们父母的一面镜子(匹配母女服装,任何人?),这一代是追踪最大的历史上一代。根据创造名称的澳大利亚研究员Mark McCrindle,阿尔巴斯也将成为历史上最大的消费能力的一代。品牌未来成功的关键在于他们的忠诚度。和获得的方式?通过他们的父母。

要了解更多关于alpha的信息,他们与千禧一代的联系以及希望赢得他们的兴趣的品牌的营销意味着我们坐在普罗助理营销教授Heather Dretsch.


高清:因为他们仍然是孩子,所以只有我们可以在这一点上知道关于alpha的这一点。但我们所知道的是,它们与他们千禧一代的父母无密不可分,这就是为什么他们经常被称为“迷你千禧年”或其他类似的绰号。作为健康意识的看护人,千禧一代的父母寻求有关他们购买和暴露孩子的产品的许多信息。从玩具和食物到服装和个人护理产品,他们喜欢在了解他们孩子的最佳品牌,他们只选择最安全,最清洁,最优质的品牌。而且因为他们呼吁产品进入家庭的镜头,他们也控制了从年轻时暴露于哪些品牌的品牌。从这个意义上说,alpha将培养与千禧一代的守门人的偏好非常相似 - 因为这就是他们所知道的。

创α也非常习惯了腐烂的on by their parents. Millennial parents like to indulge and seek out the best they can afford, because they want to feel like they’re being rewarded for what they have earned in their lives. And they want to bestow these things upon their children, too. In fact, millennials often offer their Gen Alphas mini versions of what the grown-ups have. Think about all the luxury play kitchens and ride-on cars that are mini versions of what the parents have.

Gen Alpha picks up on that. They’re used to being lavished with the最好的品牌和最好的products. And we’re already seeing how this is affecting them. These children are more aware of knockoff brands and competitors, and they tend to prefer the higher-quality brands, market leaders and first movers within a product category.

We also know that this generation is extremely connected. They’re in front of screens more, and earlier, than any other generation – even Gen Z-ers who are incredibly tech-savvy in their own right. They’re fluent in digital learning and the gamification of learning. They’re pacified by devices. And they’re expected to entertain themselves. So media consumption and unique consumer habits like watching Youtube are part of their everyday lives. That impacts their attention spans and instills a need for instant gratification.

What’s interesting to think about is the intersection of these realities. Though Gen Alpha is deeply influenced by millennials and their brand loyalties, this generation also has its own unique goals and values. So the brands that Gen Alpha is exposed to via their millennial parents can appeal to them for slightly different reasons. Think about a brand like Amazon, for example. In the lives of busy, multitasking millennials balancing work and families, Amazon is appealing because it touches on one of their biggest values: convenience. But for Gen Alpha, brands like Amazon are appealing because they provide that sense of instant gratification.

What differentiates Gen Alpha from Gen Z?

高清:品牌Gen Alpha暴露于与Gen Z长大的不同 - 这对哪些品牌alpha更愿意的影响造成巨大影响。学术研究表明,孩子们可以开始认识到他们生活中的品牌,与他们有关,甚至更喜欢他们早在三岁的其他品牌上。因为他们看到和拥有的品牌都嵌入了他们的经历中,他们与他们形成了联系。他们意识到他们如何在他们的生活中运作并帮助他们实现某些目标。因此,品牌儿童暴露在瞬间可以立即成为他们自我概念的一部分。然后,他们千禧一代的父母对那种曝光的控制非常重要。虽然Gen Z样媒体消费和瞬间满足的欲望,但是alpha股票的许多特征 - 他们的偏好可能与千禧一代相比,而不是与Z.

直到后来在他们的生活中,你开始看到更高级的认识到某些品牌特征如何与个人的自我概念互动,并且你开始通过品牌看到自我表达和身份信令。这种行为更为指示Gen Z.Gen alpha,然而,只知道他们所看到的,他们玩什么以及他们消耗的东西。

And again, Gen Alpha’s connection with millennials is a key differentiating factor here. One thing that’s really interesting is how millennials have gravitated toward more nostalgic brands. Many millennials want their kids to have the same experiences that they did as children, so they’re emphasizing play with Legos, Hot Wheels, Barbies, Fisher-Price toys and other brands with retro vibes and packaging. Brands thattheyremember playing with. This nostalgia effect has had a huge impact in the toy category and consumer goods category, and there’s almost a skipping over of Gen Z with these brands.


高清:在许多方面,大流行扩大了我们已经看到的趋势。虚拟教育和锁定强制alpha在屏幕上花费更多时间 - 它还加强了alpha和父母之间的强大联系。这一代不仅在家里度过了比他们所拥有的更多时间,而且他们也没有更深,更丰富,更丰富与父母的经验。例如,许多alphas开始在大流行期间携带父母和父母在父母身上学习新的和老式的习惯和爱好,例如烹饪和烘焙。我认为这是因为父母,认识到在孩子们的生活中如此的形成时间击中了大流行,努力充分利用他们的时间。这是与Gen Z的鲜明对比。作为青少年,大流行看起来和对他们感到非常不同。他们甚至在这个陌生的生活季节,他们生活自己的生命并拥有自己的经历。

What can we predict about Gen Alpha’s brand loyalties?


This is another factor that distinguishes them from Gen Z. Gen Z is known for switching, because they love the idea of change – and they’re always looking for the best thing. They read reviews and hunt for new information to make decisions. Millennial parents are doing that too, of course – but they’re doing that in a much different way. They’re looking for information that helps them be better caretakers of their children. So sure, they may be willing to try new products and buy from new brands – like ones they see advertised on Instagram that appeal to them – but they’re doing that because they’re so careful about what they put in front of Gen Alpha, not because they’re just looking for the下一个最好的事。通过这种方式,我认为千禧一代正在帮助alpha在他们的行为中变得更加忠诚。


高清:营销对alpha的想法可以是非常有争议的,因为阿尔法斯,就像孩子的所有世代一样,很容易受到他们在屏幕上所看到的东西的影响。他们就像小海绵,他们不像成年人的消费者一样,有劝说知识 - 他们正在销售的意识和敏感性。他们自然相信他们所看到的品牌。所以从我的角度来看,它同样重要 - 如果不是更重要的 - 吸引千禧一代的父母。毕竟,他们是那些人,谁给竖起大拇指或拇指向下。

也就是说,我建议的一种营销策略正在开发与alphas及其父母共鸣的简单口号。乐高的品牌口号“只有最好的好的”这么好,如此expect the best, highest-quality products. And Barbie’s “You can be anything” appeals to this smart, confident self-concept Gen Alpha has.

总体而言,努力了解alpha的生活方式,价值观和自我概念。他们好奇。他们很精明。他们有信心。这并不只是他们以这种方式观察自己 - 这是他们的父母让他们感受到这种方式。俏皮,对此异想天开。

This post wasoriginally publishedin Poole Thought Leadership.


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