
Gayle S. Lanier名为NC州立委员会

Gayle S. Lanier已被UNC的州长委员会任命为北卡罗来纳州立大学董事会。她取代了菲尔尔顿,由于美国总统任命,他们已经陷入了下滑。

Lanier在Raleigh担任企业服务副总裁的进步能源。在此职位服务之前,Lanier在Research Triangle Park的北电网络工作了18年。她在那里结束了北电全球知识服务副总裁。

Lanier received her Bachelor of Science degree in industrial engineering from NC State in 1982. She has continued to serve NC State’s College of Engineering since that time, acting as Nortel’s representative on the NC State University National Minority Engineering Programs Advisory Board and establishing the Dwain K. and Gayle S. Lanier Scholarship Endowment. In 2007, Lanier also was named a Distinguished Alumna by the Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. She previously served as a member of NC State’s Board of Trustees from 2007 until early 2012.


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