

照片信用:Jessica Pankratz。根据创意公众许可分享。单击以获取更多信息。

孩子们是社会最脆弱的成员之一,而NC州立大学之一卡拉艾伦 - 忘记正在帮助努力更好地在北卡罗来纳州的风险儿童及其家人服务。


卡拉艾伦 - 忘记

为了解决这些缺点,北卡罗来纳州发达计划改进计划,该国发布于2017年1月。作为其计划的一部分,该国致力于“制定和实施国家级儿童福利家族领导模式”。而这就是艾伦 - 忘记进来的地方。


Earlier this year – with financial support from North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Social Services (DSS) – Allen-Eckard was chosen to co-chair a state working group with representatives from DSS, family advocacy groups, nonprofit organizations, county social services departments and family members who have experience working with the child welfare system.

“我们正试图弄清楚”国家级儿童福利家族领导模式“实际上是什么意思,”艾伦 - 埃克德说。

“宽泛地说,我们的目标是建立一个咨询委员会,将为我们提供声音的家庭,以便他们可以向北卡罗来纳州儿童的儿童安全,福祉和永久性提供反馈,以确保儿童安全,福祉和永久性提供反馈艾伦 - 伊斯兰德说。“希望,这反馈将改善儿童和家庭的结果。”


“到了一个外部观察者,这可能会随着更多的官僚主义,但这不是,”艾伦 - 埃克拉德说。“这是一项协调一致的努力,通过倾听这些家庭来寻找更好地照顾北卡罗来纳州的孩子。桌子上的每个人都知道这是一个正确的方向的移动。我们只需要找到到达那里的正确方法。“



  1. D.S.S假设让你失望或打电话给你的名字,或者四处讲述,告诉人们,只是因为师傅不喜欢你,她会确保我们不会让我们的孩子回来?我的妈妈抬起姐姐,我自己我们没有爸爸。但她总是告诉我们,你以这种方式对待你想要对待的人。

  2. 我同意在卡尔德威尔县和其他县的D.S.S.的同意只关心他们可以摧毁多少家族和家庭。他们骚扰了我们三年,然后在瓦尔博罗的妈妈去往瓦尔博罗·克斯。他们和我的继森妈妈谈过,她告诉他们谎言后谎言,她将在我们的孩子身边。但是除非是垃圾食品和苏打水,否则她根本没有喂它们,没有让他们洗澡或任何东西。这位女士告诉她的儿子,他是一周的一周,因为她当时不能与一些男孩发生性关系。这里的DSS需要调查,因为如果你有任何孩子并被删除,那么他们认为他们可以在那之后奔驰。这不是正确的,这对它的坏事是卡尔德威尔的州工人是毒品,无法帮助自我。我们的首都不是说什么或做任何事情。我很遗憾听到关于你的孙子,愿上帝与你和你的家人在一起。我记得在电视上看到这不久之后他们开始在我的丈夫和我身上

  3. 我不是为自己发送这条消息,而是为我的3岁的伟大的大女儿和9岁的妹妹。从他们的父亲开始,(我的父亲大儿子),在他离开高中之前得到了第一个母亲怀孕。在毕业后,他们结婚了,他仍然在家倾向于倾向于宝宝,她支持这个家庭,勉强。论证等,他们分开了几年,从未离婚过。然后同时母亲的一个女性朋友与他们住在一起,(失业者)和父亲让她怀孕了,他们一起生活,她已经有2个小女孩没有父亲。As time went on, and the baby was born they had seperated and when the baby was born, the mother knew she couldn’t care for the baby and we, my wife and I and my step daughter had already been buying things they needed for the baby and her older sister. The day came and the mother had talked with my step daughter to care for the baby. My step daughter then asked if my wife and I could take care of the baby for we were more financially able and willing to do so. We took her, the baby, in and cared for her just as she was our own at about 5 weeks old. The father nor the mother ever put us down at the hospital to take her in for her check ups etc. and she got behind on her shots etc. but we got in touch with the mother and the 3 of us took the baby in for her check ups and shots. After about 14 to 14 1/2 months the father came and told us he finally moved from his fathers home and rented a trailer and was taking the baby with him. Now in the time we had the baby he had only called maybe 3-4 times and stopped by to visit her maybe 5 times and supplied very little in line of diapers etc. He not only moved the baby in with him but also a woman he had known in high school and she had already had 1 child taken from her and still had a 2 year old son which the babys father didn’t want anything to do with. She didn’t work and just stayed at the trailer with the 2 babys. After a while we were allowed to keep our great grand daughter for a few days at a time. Ever since our first great grand daughter was born, we have had our spare bedroom set up for her then her little sister came along. We insured both had everything they needed for they meant the world to us. My step daughter had also done the same in her home, set up a bedroom for the 2 of them and also had everything they could need, the 3 of us love those little girls and want nothing but the best for them. The father had let the oldest daughter stay with her mother and go to school in that area and sometimes he would get the oldest daughter and keep her for the week ends. In the trailer he was living in with the other woman, it was a 2 bedroom and the kids only had an old piece of foam rubber about the size of a twin bed to sleep on on the floor, that was their bed. there was a mouse hole in the corner of the bedroom, the trailer was never really kept clean, the kitchen sink leaked, later the roof leaked and the land lord wasn’t informed of the damages and never repaired. About 2 or so months ago between my step daughter, my wife and I, we bought a trundle bed and 2 new mattresses and bedding. During one visit we found the bed apart and mattresses on the floor. I bought more wooden slats for the bed frame and put screws in them to keep them from letting the mattresses fall on the floor. My step daughter got some wood and nails from me and she placed patch on the mouse hole. The father was always yelling at our great grand daughter any time she did something he didn’t like and we have also found bruises etc on her when we kept her at our home, and her feet were still dirty when we picked her up because of the lack of a bath. The DSS from Gaston County had been to the home when they lived in Gaston County and now he lives in Cleveland County and DSS has also been to the home. In both cases which I can’t understand, they were called a day or 2 before the visit and naturally when DSS got there everything was hunk dory. After one visit the DSS team came “UNANNOUNCED” to my home to “INSPECT” the living conditions here. We were more than happy to show them around and talk with them, but my wife and I think the “INSPECTION ” of his home should have been also “UNANNOUCED” that way they would have found the “TRUE” way the kids have to live there. About 2 weeks ago my wife called and asked if she could keep the great grand daughter for a while and the woman there said yes. When my wife got there and the baby was in my wifes’ arms, the woman told her that her father said the baby could not be around my step daughter and some other “RULES” which upset my wife then the woman grabbed the baby and told my wife to leave and she was going to call the police, which she did. My wife waited for a while but no police so she left and just as she was leaving the sheriff deputy arrived. He was given the entire story of what took place then my wife came back home very upset and she has been upset over that ever since.There is much more to this story of how the father has gotten away with so much by lying, and abusing his kids, and some was brought to light the last time DSS workers interviewed the 9 year old daughter. My trust in the DSS system, (if there is) is very dark. The way I and many others in not only this state but many others, see the DSS program is not to protect the children but the parent(s) of the children and that is MORALLY WRONG. The father in this case, (my step grand son) was given everything he needed in his life and is STILL relying on family members to help him in times of need money and food wise, ie, I paid an over due power bill for his power, $643 and that has been a year and I have only gotten back $300, but he has bought a truck and also a motorcycle in that time frame. Just and example of his priorities. As I mentioned, this is only a small part of the story and I know there is no JUSTICE in this situation for our 2 great grand daughters and it is sad. I served in the Army for 24 1/2 years to protect the rights and freedom of the citizens of this country and these little girls deserve their rights protected also. So, with all said here, I pray to God someone in position to make some changes for the good of all children for they can’t do it themselves. Last note: Just remember the case of the DSS worker that was a foster parent of a young boy and left him secured on the steps of the home and a dead chicken tied around his neck. Is that the type of people we have drawing a state pay check and being a foster parent of the children of North Carolina ? If so, some one should look at the DSS program very close!!

  4. 家庭和社区参与中心是北卡罗来纳大学系统中最大的宝石。他们走着家庭驱动练习的谈话;卡拉是罗利最有效的倡导者之一。